As of January 1, 2025 we now have a $4 minimum on all orders. Thanks for understanding.

Scanning printed photos + memorabilia.

Our digitizing capabilities go beyond simply photo print scans. Most of us have other printed materials that we’d like to preserve and share. Think family recipes, letters, ancestry documents and children’s artwork. Print materials are professionally scanned and converted to quality JPG files that can be viewed on digital devices, easily shared and stored in a digital environment.

Boxes of old photos
Boxes of old photos
Boxes of old photos

Once digitized, the lifespan of your printed memorabilia is substantially increased and protected from environmental damage like fires or flooding.
Here are some examples of the types of materials we can scan:

  • photographs
  • postcards
  • scrapbook pages
  • letters
  • documents
  • awards + certificates
  • recipes
  • artwork
  • newspaper

How it works:

  • Drop off your printed memorabilia to be scanned and digitized at our store.
  • A few days later – return to pick up your digital storage device (DVD, USB drive, external drive, etc.), which will contain each scanned/digitized image as a .jpg file.
  • Prints are scanned with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and large enough to make a print at least twice the original size.
  • Front and back scanning is available.
  • Your memorabilia is cared for by our trained archiving experts, who will treat your materials with the utmost care.
  • Your items never leave our property or get shipped away.
  • All original items are returned to you after the process is complete.

COPYRIGHT NOTE – Our policy is to make every effort possible to protect the rights of professional photographers. Work that is clearly copyrighted will not be scanned without the written permission of the photographer/creator.